Tuesday, August 28, 2012

निशब्द है तू निराश है तू।

निशब्द है तू निराश है तू।
है जोश पर हाँ उदास है तू।।
असफल हुआ कई बार है तू।
पर एक अवसर की तलाश है तू॥
आगाज है तू अंजाम है तू।
पर कोशिशें तमाम है तू॥
अश्कैं बहा अलकौं पे तू
पर जज्बे में ना हो कोई कमी।
य़ाद रख सावन के आने
की आहट है ये नमी॥
यकीन रख जीतेगा तू जहाँ
जो एक बार तू ले ठान हाँ।
लगेगा तीर तेरा निशाने पर बस
एक बार तू कमान उठा॥
जो एक दौर गुजर गया
उसे तो तू भुला ही दे।
जो आने वाला है नया
उसे तू बस सँवार ले॥
जो बात कहना है चाहता
वो क्यूं नही तू बोलता।
तुझमें ही है वो तू ही है
तू क्यूं नही टटोलता॥
अच्छाइयाँ तेरी तुझसे हैं
तुझसे ही हैं परछाइयाँ।
गर प्यास हो तो हो जीत की
रहे हार तुझसे घबराई हाँ॥
निशब्द है तू निराश है तू।
है जोश पर हाँ उदास है तू।।
असफल हुआ कई बार है तू।
पर एक अवसर की तलाश  है तू॥

any correction for the hindi words is appreciated!!!
thanks for reading!believe in yourself!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

we need a change guys...........

it was a normal day i was my way back to home,got the window seat in the local train you know how does it feel,well  i was playing with my phone,later when train crossed 2-3 stops a girl (she was a beauty) entered in the train followed by her friend (i guess) and then her mother.the girl seated beside me and i noticed she was of the same age.well i continued playing with the music tracks i was listening,after few minutes some guys also entered in the compartment and they were all like the funny guys who like to do crazy things and laugh a lot.it continued and then one thing made me to pull out the earphones from my ears that those guys were taunting and commenting on the girls and even the mother it went on and when become unbearable the mother of the girl started replying them back in their own language.a few minutes later i heard her saying that this is the youth,today's generation,what culture have they got,their behavior shows that where they come from else there are other boys who are also in the compartment,and the one (she pointed towards me) that one is even sitting beside my daughter he's saying (or commenting) nothing at all.

That's it i felt so good and it was the best ever compliment i have got from a stranger.

The thing is that the one who keeps anything in mind but respect in heart while looking at a girl is a man!!!
I welcome your opinions...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

it's for you but not just you........

though we were strange somewhere.....
......however now we know each other!!!
though you think i bothered you.....
......however i made you laugh sometime!!!
though there may be fights between us and we had.....
.....however we managed to get back on the track!!!
though you tried to get rid of me.....
.....however i wish to be nearby you!!!
though we say nothing to each other.....
.....however we understand every matter!!!
though you have many friends and will have too.....
.....however I'll remain somewhere in your heart!!!
though we are together today .....
.....however we will go far some day!!!
and that day has come..................

Thursday, May 17, 2012

nuclear power......energy for generations

The world has always been dependent on the fossil fuels to generate electricity,penetrating the earth crest to the extent to have the material used for the generation,its harmful effects are seen recently on the climate and all that,so the world is now speaking about the alternatives,while talking about the India,the govt has recently asked the power companies to alter the equipments and use 10% foreign imported coal along with the Indian counterpart.well that's another thing and can work a bit towards it but it cant do anything about  the nature and the efficient and Eco friendly energy,however the world has been curious about using the renewable energy sources like solar and wind,they are pretty good than conventional sources a little expensive but we can adjust with it but who can adjust if there is no sun in the sky the idea of going solar fails in this context,thus there we have to use another alternative best suited for the matter,and that one is nuclear power no doubt.i was pretty excited when i heard or read about the kudankulam power plant that is about to run in a few months,as it's the latest technology in the energy generation field used by most of the developed countries.but in what manner some other people reacted was not as same as me they started protesting against the project.
the versatility of nuclear energy is obvious with the nation- France.France was facing to boost the power requirements in early of 1970s,than it went all out for nuclear energy using 58 nuclear power plants,generating energy as well as the smile on the face of french people,the whole country is smiling and it's Eiffel tower is lit up with 20,000 lights on it by an abundant supply of cheap electricity.and don't wide spread your eyes till now,here is some more to come--the green house gasses emitted per person in france are a third below the European average.80% of its energy is generated by its 58 nuclear power plants without any oil any coal and any major threat to the nature.france now exports 15% of energy to many neighbours.
the other concern about the nuclear power is it's safety but there has been only a single "chernobyl" disaster if we leave the tsunami case in japan last year,well no one can do anything against nature so there was no fault of nuclear power in that disaster in japan,but there is no emission of harmful gasses in the case of nuclear power like we have in coal plants,and hey if you are seeking safety you are not safe in your drawing room too,who knows if you die on the couch tomorrow watching you favorite team loosing to other?
so people stop protesting against this wise decision of Indian govt and start appreciating it!

recent statistics:
countries using nuclear plants:

for complete latest statistics-click here
all other data except the statistics taken from Reader Digest's april 2011 issue.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

i love you mom...try to say it everyday...or just remember

what? you said it today and you think you are done? while even a lifetime is not enough to express it,today when everybody is wishing mother's day i'm thinking where were these mumma's boys or girls the rest 364 days?
i woke up and grabbed the news paper there was a poem on a mother and a story also,i went through the regional page and there were interviews of some mothers who brought up their kids without their dads,nobody knew 'em before this day,and at last facebook and off course twitter both were flooded with i love you mom,happy mother's day quotes....
well it's good to express it at least today but even if you remember it everyday.....that would be awesome!!!
at last found this one impressive from twitter.......
 Among all d relation I made here on dis earth.,Relation wid MOTHER is 9 Months more..Luv u Ma..!! Happy Mother's day.!! 
quote via @drmalvika6

      original image

Sunday, May 6, 2012

ab galat jagah daloge to fasega hi.......

this was the live example of breaking rules,it happened under the 'yamuna bridge' in agra, a low bridge like structure was there to avoid entries of big vehicles in the city through that way so a tourist bus was caught in the act doing so,it got stuck under the iron structure ( i don't know the exact noun for that) and our beloved traffic police was directing the driver to get out of this mess.what you say???

Saturday, May 5, 2012

he cares for the world,you should too.......

OK this shot was clicked when i was on my way back to home from agra,well most of the stories happen on the same way that's another thing forget it,when i passed by this guy in a local train i saw some cosmetic products in his hand that's easy to believe but when i come across the other side i saw a box of you know what condoms,anyway it's easy to predict that the boy was handed over the poly-bag but the pose i clicked him was like he's a brand ambassador of condoms and giving a message---"use condoms save the planet".what you say???